Thursday Dharma Discussion

Thursday Dharma Discussion

Resume on March 7, the first Thursday in March, from 7 pm to 8:20 pm, in the Conference Room, (or sometimes Dining Hall) at the Won Dharma Center.

Our study group explores the Scriptures of Won Buddhism and learns how we can use the teachings to better our daily lives. The scriptures are based on the wisdom of Venerable Sotaesan, the Founding Master of Won Buddhism.

This semester, each class will focus on reading two books; the scriptures of Won Buddhism, specifically chapter 11 (Maxims), and the Principles for Training The Mind by Venerable Chwasan, retranslated by Rev. Yoo.

The Principles for Training The Mind is available for purchase at a discounted price of $20 in the WDC temple gift shop, originally priced at $25. If you plan to join this semester, I recommend purchasing and reading this book before our class begins. 

Newcomers and walk-ins are welcome anytime. (If you are new to the class, please sign up below.)

To access the Scriptures of Won Buddhism in PDF format, please click here.

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